Hi Everyone. Wednesday night was a rough one. Angelina didn't sleep very well. She was also constipated (too much rice). So we decided to not go on the museum trip. We spent the day (Thurs) bonding. We ended up taking Angelina to the park across from the hotel (Nanning People's Park). It was absolutely beautiful! The baby liked all the sites, especially the motor bikes. I think we have a little biker on our hands. We will try to go again tomorrow (Fri) to see the other half of the park. We are including some pictures of the park. I'm not sure that the pictures do it justice though. You had to be there. It was beautiful, calm and relaxing.
The baby fell asleep in our arms because the heat was so intense. Very humid here. But she ended up having a really nice well needed nap.
And my best news for the day is that Angelina finally pooped!!! We are thrilled. Her entire demeanor changed afterwards. The poor thing was in so much pain. So praise God and thank-you for your prayers. They were heard and answered!!
The little one is sleeping now and we hope it's through the night. Tomorrow we go see the buddhist temple. That should be interesting. The priest also blesses all the babies, but we will respectfully be passing on that portion of the tour. She has God's blessing!!
More tomorrow. Love to all of you!
Hi there...
You might get this note twice, because I'm not sure our note posted....
Mark and I had a good laugh in China when we realized how much of our conversations centered on baby poop...And still do! Glad to hear that beautiful Angelina is feeling better. Laurie, you and Sandeep look so blissfully happy. We look forward to seeing you and Angelina when you get back.
That park is spectacular....Is the air quality good there? It seems so, no smog that I can pick out in the pix.
Take care and see you soon,
Love, Mary Ellen, Mark and Carmy
P.S. When to you leave for Guangzhou? Are you staying at the White Swan?
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