Saturday, October 14, 2006

Today we skipped the zoo and we are so glad. Some of the parents were shocked by the animal tricks. Boxing bears, a goat on a tight rope, etc. I would have cried. We made the right choice by staying away.

So we hung out in the room in the morning and went shopping in the afternoon. We ate at Pizza Hut. We didn't get sick on the local food, but Sandeep got sick on the Pizza. It's the same as in the states...greasy!!

Then we just did the group dinner again (the same EXACT food every time). It's getting a bit monotoneous.

It was a rough day with Angelina today; she is starting to teeth.

Tomorrow we go to see some local maufacturing of emroidery.


Blogger Mark and Mary Ellen said...

We skipped the zoo too when we were in China...We were just exhausted at that point, not feeling that great, AND...we (make that Mary Ellen) wanted to devote more time to shopping...We only shopped in Guangzhou, not the province where we got Carmelina. The prices in Guangzhou were really good, so if you have time there, I'd recommend heavy shopping. ANd if you need another suitcase, you can alway buy one for $8 or $10.
I think that once you get back to the states, and even Guangzhou, you'll feel better. The air quality just really hits you. I remember my throat feeling all raspy.
BUT...Laurie, you and your daughter LOOK Marvelous. You have that parental glow!
See you real soon.
Love, Mary Ellen, Mark and Carmy
P.S. For some western food, in Guangzhou, there's a place called Lucy's not far from the WHite Swan. you can get mashed potatoes, grilled cheese, spaghetti etc.

10:13 AM  

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